GR Music and Arranging Glen Rovinelli & Missy McArdle Rovinelli

Lighting I did for "8-Track" at the Plaza Theater
I also do live sound reinforcement and small lighting rigs.
Sound Equipment
  • Mackie DFX1202 mixer - I use this for most of my jobs
  • Mackie CR1604-VLZ mixer - for larger bands
  • Roland M-160 line mixer - for submixes
  • Kawai MX-8SR line mixer
    • - for small submixes (usually drums / Keyboards)
  • 100' Whirlwind snake
  • EV SH-1502ER speakers
  • Peavey Mini-Monitors(4)
  • EV Subwoofer
  • Crown D75 monitor amp
  • Crown XLS1000 power amp
  • Peavey PV260 power amp
Outboard Gear
Lighting Equipment


20 LED PARcans 5 Chauvet 250C color Changer 1 Chauvet Kinta 2 20' 4-circut string lights
4 Chauvet Parnel  8 LED Moving Head Spots 1 Chauvet Vue 4.1 1 24" Mirror Ball and Moto
8 Chauvet LED Rain56 2 Chauvet DMX-680 Intimitator Spot 1 Chauvet Abyss LED 4 10' Tripod with 10' Truss
16 ParCan56 2 Chauvet DMX-685 Intimitator Spot 2.0 2 American DJ DJ250 scanner 2 10' Tripod with t-bars
6 LED Spot 4 Chauvet Mini-Legend Spot 2 Chauvet Mini-Legend Wash  


The whole lighting rig is DMX controlled by a two Chauvet USB/DMX interfaces(SSA DMX and DMX512) to a laptop running ShowXpress 9.2

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